Selasa, 27 September 2016


Nim  :D1042161038


Teknologo Informasi menjelaskan teknologi yang membantu manusia dalam menbuat,
mengubah,menyimpan,mengomunikasi atau menyebarkan informasi.Penerapa teknologi
informasi ini dapat menlingkupi banyak bidang yaitu:

1.Bidang Pendidikan
       Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran sehari-hari teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
sering dijumpai,misalnya internet.Kemampuan dan karakteristik internet memungkinkan
terjadinya proses belajar mengajar jarak jauh (E-Learning) menjadi lebih efektif
dan efisien sehingga dapat diperoleh hasil yang lebih baik.

2.Bidang Kesehatan
     Teknologi informasi dalam bidang kesehatan salah satunya ialah sistem yang berbasis
kartu cerdas (smart card).Sistem ini dapat digunakan juru medis untuk mengetahui
riwayat penyakit pasien yang datang ke rumah sakit.

3.Sektor Perbankan
     Teknologi inforasi dalam bidang perbankan telah diterapkannya transaksi perbankan
lewat internet banking.Transaksi yang dapat dilakukan melalui internet banking
antaralain transfer uang,pengecekan saldo,pemindahbukuan,pembayaran tagihan,dan
informasi rekening.

4.Bidang Bisnis
     Tekologi informasi dalam bidang bisnis dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana perdagangan
secara elektronik (E-Commerce)
>E-Commerce dapat melibatkan transfer dana elektronik,pertukaran data elektronik,
sistem manajemen inventori otomatis, dan sistem pengumpulan data otomatis.
dan memerlukan teknologi database,e-mail,dan bentuk teknolgi non komputer yang
lain seperti halnya sistem pengiriman barang.

     Penerapan teknologi informasi menyebabkan perbuhan pada kebiasaan kerja.
Misalnya penerapan ERP (Enterprice Resource Planning).ERP adalah salah
satu aplikasi perangkat lunak yang mencakup sistem manajemen dalam perusahaan.

Sabtu, 24 September 2016

5 tenses and Home Work (23-08-2016)

1. Simpel Prenset Tense
    Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bersifat tetap.
(+) S+ V1 (s/es)
(-) S+ Do/Does + Not + V1
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 ?

(+) They go to campus by bus
(-) They do not go to campus by bus
(?) Do they go to campus by bus ?

2.Simple Past Tense
   Membicarakan tentang suatu perbuatan yang terjadi di masa lampau.
(+) S+V2
(-) S+Did+Not+V1
(?) Did+S+V1

(+) They went to campus by bus
(-) They did not go to campus by bus
(?) Did they go to campus by bus

3.Present/Past Continous tense
   Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung.
(+) S+Be+Ving
(-) S+Be+Not+Ving
(?) Be+S+Ving
Be: Is,am,are,was,were

Contoh Present continous:
(+) They are going to campus by bus
(-) They are not going to campus by bus
(?) Are they going to campus by bus?
Contoh Past continous:
(+) She was going to campus by motorclye
(-) She was not going to campus by motorclye
(?) Was she going to campus by motorclye?

4.Simple Future tense
(+) S+Will+V1
(-) S+Will+Not+V1
(?) Will+S+V1
(+) I will go to campus by bus
(-) I will not go to campus by bus
(?) Will you go to campus by bus ?

5.Present Perfect tense
(+) S+Has/Have+V3
(-) S+Has/Have+Not+V3
(?) Has/Have +S+V3

Question and Answers
1.She (drink) Coffee. (Simple Past)
(+) She drank coffee
(+) She did not drink coffee
(?) Did she drink coffee?

2.They (start) the course. (Pr.Perfect)
(+) They have started the course
(-) They have not started the course
(?) Have they started the course

3.Ana and Linda (open) the account.(past cont)
(+) Ana and Linda were opening the account
(-) Ana and Linda were not opening the account
(?) Were Ana and Linda opening the account?

4.The bank (close) at 5 p.m.(simpel present)
(+) The bank closes at 5 p.m
(-) The bank does not close at 5 p.m
(?) Does the bank close at 5 p.m?

5.The dog (run) through the park.(Simple past)
(+) The dog ran through the park
(-) The dog did not run through the park
(?) Did the dog run through the park?

My Favorite Selfie

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

I love this photos when this is because I spent vacation time I to gather and play with the guys.Open is that all,I was can feel cool a waterfall and the beautiful scenery accompanied my best friend This who makes I love photos selfie above.
Photos selfie reminds me with friends me and how wonderful of natural scenery that is in that
 I live .
                                                   Thank you for his time :)

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Rabu, 21 September 2016

My reason choose a major informatics engineering

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

I Jepri sawaludin student a university tanjung pura. I entered the faculty of engineering, program study informatics engineering.
The reason why I choose the program study informatics engineering, because I want to deepen computer science. Moreover this current era serjana IT will be needed.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.