<Volare Chit-Chat Febuary 18th 2016 Edition: Hit The Hay>
How to say it
In this segment, I learned about an idiom and how to pronounce the idiom. The idiom was Hit The Hay, from the word Hit, H-I-T which mean “Memukul” in bahasa Indonesia and the word Hay, H-A-Y, which mean “Jerami” in bahasa Indonesia.
In this segment, the idiom that I learn was Hit The Hay, the meaning is "Someone is going to sleep” For example, Triono wants to wake earlier tomorrow so he decides to Hit the Hay. We can either use Hit the zzzzz, the meaning is same with Hit The Hay.
In this segment, the speakers spoke with two languages which are English and Bahasa Indoensia. They talked about Harry Potter’s Back! Harry potter is back with the new story, Harry Potter and the Curse Child. Will be in book store in the UK and USA on the 31st of july.
English, please!
The topic in this topic was TV series, there were two speakers, the first speaker said that we can learn English either watching movies or TV series, but they focused told us to learn English through TV series, because with TV series we take a lot practice, because formally, TV series take a year or more to done the story, instead movies.
<Volare Chit-Chat April 7th 2016 Edition: Under Certain Circumstance>
How to say it
In this segment, I learned about an idiom and how to pronounce the idiom. The idiom was a word or a combination of two or more words that have different meanings but when put together will form a new meaning that is different from the meaning of the original word.
In this second segment, the idiom that I learned is "under certain circumstances". This means that the expression, doing business without giving up.
Rolling stone appearance in Cuba. Rolling stone is
a British band that first formed in 1992 the revolutionary government in Cuba led by vidiel castrol considers dangerous music rolling stone. Cuba prohibits rolling stone in tv and radio stations.
English, please!
The topic in this segment Learning english learning grammar or acquiring grammar true some song lyric. There were 2 speakers, they are ms. Dini and fidya they said, if you real master actualy there are some song that can make you real big aware you actualy a master some english grammar. Example simple present tense if you remember they formula of simple present tense subject verb.
<Volare Chit-Chat Mei 17th 2016 Edition: Make a Beeline For>
How to say it
In this segment, I learned about an idiom and how to pronounce the idiom. The idiom was make a beeline for.
In this segment, the idiom that I learned was on top up. The meaning of the idiom was knowing everything that is being discussed.
The news that i listened was about Queen Elizabeth and corgis.
– Queen Elizabeth celebrates her 90th birthday, but her love and loyalty for corgis remain.
– The name of her first dog is Susan, and Susan was a present for her 18th birthday in 1944.
– Corgi (a short-legged dog with a foxlike head).
– Reign (the time when a person is a ruler).
English, please!
The topic in this segment was about can she judge someone personality by just looking at them.
feby tell vidia about 5 personal things she can tell just by looking at someone.
1. Their Shoes Can Reveal Their Personality Type
2. If They’re Eating Candy, They’re Probably Nicer
3. Using Her Right Arm to Cradle a Baby Might Mean She’s Depressed
4. If He Looks Like a Bully, He’s Probably a Team Player
5. People With Symmetrical Faces Tend to Be Rich and Asymmetrical Faces Tend to Be Leaders.
My opinion about the topic is judging someone personality by just looking at them means a bad connotation. It implied unfair judgment. Too soon to draw conclusions. Actually it’s legal when you do it for yourself and not tell someone else. But would be wrong if you said your opinion to other people and affect their opinion so as to be bad as well.